Professional Achievements & Experience
Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow:
Place & Date:
Cardiff University
October 2022 - Present
Completing the project ‘The source of the stream: centring the enslaved Africans who built Penrhyn Castle.’
Contributing to the research activities & raising the profile of the School of Social Sciences.
Applying for & contributing to funding bids.
Organising research-related impact activities.
ESRC postdoctoral fellow:
Cardiff University
October 2021 - September 2022
Completing the project ‘Understanding to Overstand: the educational journeys & experiences of Black British women graduates.’
Co-convenor of the Migration, Ethnicity, Race, & Diversity (MEAD) Research Group.
Completing training courses for career development such as quantitative research methods.
Applying for & contributing to funding bids.
Organising research-related impact activities.
Focus Manager / Race Equality Action Plan Development Officer:
Welsh Government
October 2020 - July 2021
Working with key stakeholders to set the vision, mission, & purpose of the plan.
Completing the Integrated Impact assessment.
Liaising with Welsh Government policy leads & community mentors to facilitate a 'buddies' relationship for the co-construction of the plan & any associated policies.
Contributing to the design, messaging, & communications strategy.
Assisting with various tasks to support the consultation process.
Focus Manager / Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Transformation Officer:
Welsh Government
November 2018- March 2021
​Leading on the new legislative framework of the ALN & Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018, & the associated transformation programme.
Drafting responses to ministerial briefings, ministerial & treat official correspondence on issues relating to ALN & the existing SEN System.
Supporting & maintaining the development of policy & guidance to help local authorities & schools meet the educational needs of children & young people with ALN
Working collaboratively with colleagues in the wider Education Directorate & in the Department for Health & Social Services (DHSS) as well as with outside organisations, including local authorities, schools, professional bodies & the voluntary sector.
Communicating with parents/carers of children or young people with special educational needs (SEN) & providing advice & guidance on the procedures of the existing SEN system.
Managing the administration of the ALN Transformation Grant, the management of ALN Policy Branch & ALN Transformation Branch budgets.
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Photo Credit: Fatima Halidou